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# fastapi-poetry-starter
<!-- TOC -->
* [fastapi-poetry-starter](#fastapi-poetry-starter)
* [Description](#description)
* [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
* [1. Install Python 3 and Poetry](#1-install-python-3-and-poetry)
* [2. Create a virtual environment with all necessary dependencies](#2-create-a-virtual-environment-with-all-necessary-dependencies)
* [3. Activate your virtual environment](#3-activate-your-virtual-environment)
* [Run application](#run-application)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [With coverage](#with-coverage)
* [With coverage and HTML output](#with-coverage-and-html-output)
* [Linting](#linting)
* [Formatting](#formatting)
* [Containerisation](#containerisation)
* [1. Build image and tag it as `fastapi-poetry-starter`](#1-build-image-and-tag-it-as-fastapi-poetry-starter)
* [2. Run a container of the previously tagged image (`fastapi-poetry-starter`)](#2-run-a-container-of-the-previously-tagged-image-fastapi-poetry-starter)
* [3. Check running containers](#3-check-running-containers)
* [4. Hit sample endpoint](#4-hit-sample-endpoint)
<!-- TOC -->
## Description
A project starter for personal usage containing the following:
- [Python 3.12.\*](
- [FastAPI]( web framework
- Structured logging using [`structlog`](
- Dependency management using [`poetry`](
- Containerisation using a Dockerfile
- Testing with [`pytest`]( and optionally with coverage
with [`pytest-cov`](
- Linting/formatting using [`ruff`](
- [`.gitignore`](
## Prerequisites
- [Python 3.12.\*](
- [Poetry](
### 1. Install Python 3 and Poetry
**MacOS (using `brew`)**
brew install python3 poetry
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry
### 2. Create a virtual environment with all necessary dependencies
From the root of the project execute:
poetry install
### 3. Activate your virtual environment
From the root of the project execute:
poetry shell
## Run application
Runs the FastAPI web application on port `8000` using [uvicorn](
uvicorn fastapi_poetry_starter.main:app --reload
## Testing
### With coverage
pytest --cov=app
### With coverage and HTML output
pytest --cov-report html --cov=app
## Linting
ruff check fastapi_poetry_starter/* tests/*
## Formatting
ruff format fastapi_poetry_starter/* tests/*
## Containerisation
The following `podman` commands are direct replacements of the Docker CLI. You can see that their syntax is identical:
### 1. Build image and tag it as `fastapi-poetry-starter`
podman image build -t fastapi-poetry-starter .
### 2. Run a container of the previously tagged image (`fastapi-poetry-starter`)
Run our FastAPI application and map our local port `8000` to `80` on the running container:
podman container run -d --name fastapi-poetry-starter -p 8000:80 --network bridge fastapi-poetry-starter
### 3. Check running containers
podman ps
78586e5b4683 localhost/fastapi-poetry-starter:latest uvicorn main:app ... 13 minutes ago Up 5 minutes ago>80/tcp nifty_roentgen
### 4. Hit sample endpoint
Our FastAPI server now runs on port `8000` on our local machine. We can test it with:
curl -i http://localhost:8000/healthcheck
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
server: uvicorn
content-length: 0