@ -1,5 +1,923 @@
window.onload = () => {
console.log('from js');
const kennelWindowEle = document.querySelector('#kennel-window');
kennelWindowEle.innerHTML = 'rendered from static/index.js';
// === <CONSTANTS> ===
const CREATURE_HEIGHT = 32; // in px
const CREATURE_WIDTH = 32; // in px
const FRAME_RATE = 6; // in FPS
const FRAME_DELAY = 1 / FRAME_RATE * 1000; // in ms
const DEFAULT_SPRITE_SHEET_COUNT = 1; // number of default sprite sheets
const WALK_SIZE = 8; // magnitude of position change, in px
const MAX_RETRIES = 10;
* Enum of directions
* @readonly
* @enum {number}
const Direction = Object.freeze({
EAST: 1,
WEST: 3,
* Enum of creature states
* @readonly
* @enum {number}
const CreatureState = Object.freeze({
IDLE: 0,
* @typedef {[number, number]} SpriteFrameOffset the client of the sprite with respect to
* the left/top background position client (off by factor of sprite size)
* @type {Object.<number, Array<SpriteFrameOffset>>}
[CreatureState.IDLE]: [
[-3, -3]
[CreatureState.ALERT]: [
[-7, -3]
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_SELF]: [
[-5, 0],
[-6, 0],
[-7, 0],
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_NORTH]: [
[0, 0],
[0, -1],
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_SOUTH]: [
[-7, -1],
[-6, -2],
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_EAST]: [
[-2, -2],
[-2, -3],
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_WEST]: [
[-4, 0],
[-4, -1],
[CreatureState.TIRED]: [
[-3, -2]
[CreatureState.SLEEPING]: [
[-2, 0],
[-2, -1],
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTH]: [
[-1, -2],
[-1, -3],
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTHEAST]: [
[0, -2],
[0, -3],
[CreatureState.WALK_EAST]: [
[-3, 0],
[-3, -1],
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHEAST]: [
[-5, -1],
[-5, -2],
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTH]: [
[-6, -3],
[-7, -2],
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHWEST]: [
[-5, -3],
[-6, -1],
[CreatureState.WALK_WEST]: [
[-4, -2],
[-4, -3],
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTHWEST]: [
[-1, 0],
[-1, -1],
// === </CONSTANTS> ===
// === <TYPES> ===
/** @typedef {[number, number]} vec2 a vector 2 components */
* Properties for creatures running around the screen
* @typedef {Object} Creature
* @property {string} name the name of the creature, used as the HTML element's id
* @property {string} spriteSheet the file name of the sprite sheet. should exist in {@link /static/sprites}
* @property {number} state the current state of the creature (should be member of {@link CreatureState} enum)
* @property {number} stateDuration the number of frames the creature has been in its current state
* @property {number} positionX x component of the center of the creature position
* @property {number} positionY y component of the center of the creature position
* @property {HTMLElement} element the HTML element rendering the creature in the DOM
* @property {HTMLElement} container the HTML element containing the creature (the kennel, if you will)
* @property {?vec2} walkDirection the (normed) direction a creature is walking in, if it's walking. otherwise null.
// === <TYPES> ===
// === <MATH_UTILS> ===
* Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
* If max is less than or equal to min, return min
* @param {number} min inclusive lower bound
* @param {number} max exclusive upper bound
* @return {number} number in [min, max)
const getRandomInRange = (min, max) => {
if (max <= min) return min;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
* Returns random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
* If max is less than or equal to min, return Math.floor(min)
* @param {number} min inclusive lower bound
* @param {number} max exclusive upper bound
* @return {number} integer in [min, max)
const getRandomInt = (min, max) => {
return Math.floor(getRandomInRange(min, max));
* Returns value if value is in [min, max]. Otherwise, bound it to those limits
* @param {number} value
* @param {number} [min] lower bound. if not provided, do not bound the value from beneath
* @param {number} [max] upper bound. if not provided, do not bound the value from above
* @return {number}
const constrain = (value, min = -Number.MAX_VALUE, max = Number.MAX_VALUE) => {
return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min);
* Normalize a vector (ie an array) to be of length 1
* @param {...number} components components of the vector
* @return {number[]} normalized vector
const normalize = (...components) => {
const magnitude = Math.sqrt(
components.reduce((squaredSum, component) => squaredSum + (component * component), 0)
return components.map(component => component / magnitude)
* Recursive helper for {@link getRandomChoice}
* @template {!*} T
* @param {Array<number>} weights
* @param {Array<T>} choices
* @param {number} random
* @param {number} cumulativeSum
* @return {undefined|T}
* @ignore
const _getRandomChoice = (weights, choices, random, cumulativeSum) => {
const choice = choices.shift();
if (choice === undefined) {
return undefined;
const newCumulativeSum = (weights.shift() ?? 0) + cumulativeSum;
if (random < newCumulativeSum) {
return choice;
return _getRandomChoice(weights, choices, random, newCumulativeSum);
* Given an array of weights and an array of the same length of choices,
* randomly pick an element from the choices whose probability of picking it corresponds
* to the corresponding weight (given position in the array).
* Returns undefined when there are fewer choices than weights
* @template {!*} T type of the choice elements
* @param {?Array<number>} weights if undefined, default to equal probability distribution of weights
* @param {Array<T>} choices
* @return {undefined|T} the chosen element, or undefined if there are more weights than choices
const getRandomChoice = (weights, choices) => {
weights = weights ?? Array(choices.length).fill(1 / choices.length);
const weightSum = weights.reduce((sum, probability) => sum + probability, 0);
const random = Math.random() * weightSum;
return _getRandomChoice([...weights], [...choices], random, 0);
* Roll an n-sided, 1-indexed die.
* Return true if it's a nat n (ie the die lands on side n).
* False otherwise.
* @param {number} n number of faces on the die.
* @return {boolean}
const rollForNatN = (n) => {
return Math.random() < 1 / n;
* Returns true if two circles intersect, false otherwise.
* We consider circles to intersect iff there exists a point p that lies in both circles
* @param {number} x0 x component of the center of circle 1
* @param {number} y0 y component of the center of circle 1
* @param {number} r0 radius of circle 1
* @param {number} x1 x component of the center of circle 1
* @param {number} y1 y component of the center of circle 1
* @param {number} r1 radius of circle 1
* @return {boolean}
const isIntersectingCircles = (x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) => {
return (x0 - x1) * (x0 - x1) + (y0 - y1) * (y0 - y1) < (r0 + r1) * (r0 + r1);
* Return true if val in [min, max)
* @param {number} val
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @return {boolean}
const isBetween = (val, min, max) => {
return val >= min && val < max;
* Generate an array of n vec2's such that all vectors lie in
* [left, left + width) x [top, top + height) and are at least radius
* distance away from all other points.
* This function uses almost (but not quite)
* [the poisson disk sampling method]{@link https://a5huynh.github.io/posts/2019/poisson-disk-sampling/}
* insofar that instead of generating points in an annulus around a seed,
* it generates points anywhere else in the bounds.
* @param {number} n the number of points to generate
* @param {number} radius the minimum distance between points
* @param {number} left x lower bound of points
* @param {number} top y lower bound of points
* @param {number} width x width of bounds
* @param {number} height y width of bounds
* @param {number=} maxRetries maximum number of generation attemps before giving up
* @return {Array<vec2>}
const generateBlueNoise = (n, radius, left, top, width, height, maxRetries = MAX_RETRIES) => {
const gridCellSize = radius / Math.sqrt(2);
const gridWidth = Math.ceil(width / gridCellSize);
const gridHeight = Math.ceil(height / gridCellSize);
const grid = /** @type {Array<Array<vec2|undefined>>} */ [...Array(gridHeight)].map(() => Array(gridWidth));
* @param {vec2} point
* @return {vec2}
const getSamplePoint = (point) => {
const randomX = Math.random() * (width - 2 * radius);
const randomY = Math.random() * (height - 2 * radius);
const samplePointX = left + (
randomX < (point.at(0) - radius) ? randomX : randomX + 2 * radius
const samplePointY = top + (
randomY < (point.at(1) - radius) ? randomY : randomY + 2 * radius
return [samplePointX, samplePointY];
* @param {vec2} point
* @return {void}
const insertPointIntoGrid = (point) => {
const indexX = Math.floor((point.at(0) - left) / gridCellSize);
const indexY = Math.floor((point.at(1) - top) / gridCellSize);
grid[indexY][indexX] = point;
const areValid = (point1, point2) => {
const deltaX = point1.at(0) - point2.at(0);
const deltaY = point1.at(1) - point2.at(1);
return (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > (radius * radius)
* @param {vec2} point
* @return {boolean}
const isValidPoint = (point) => {
const indexX = Math.floor((point.at(0) - left) / gridCellSize);
const indexY = Math.floor((point.at(1) - top) / gridCellSize);
const testPoints = [
[indexX - 1, indexY - 1], [indexX, indexY - 1], [indexX + 1, indexY - 1],
[indexX - 1, indexY], [indexX, indexY], [indexX + 1, indexY],
[indexX - 1, indexY + 1], [indexX, indexY + 1], [indexX + 1, indexY + 1],
.filter((indices) => (
indices.at(0) >= 0 && indices.at(1) >= 0 && indices.at(0) < gridWidth && indices.at(1) < gridHeight
.map((indices) => grid[indices.at(1)][indices.at(0)])
.filter((point) => point !== undefined);
return testPoints.every((testPoint) => areValid(point, testPoint))
// initialize
const initialPoint = [
left + width / 2, top + height / 2,
const blueNoiseSamples = [initialPoint];
const activeList = [initialPoint];
const findAndInsertPoint = () => {
if (activeList.length === 0) return;
const activePoint = /** @type {vec2} */ getRandomChoice(undefined, activeList);
const samplePoints = [...Array(MAX_RETRIES)].map(_ => getSamplePoint(activePoint));
const samplePoint = samplePoints.find(isValidPoint);
if (samplePoint === undefined) {
// remove active point from active list
const indexOfActivePoint = activeList.indexOf(activePoint);
activeList.splice(indexOfActivePoint, 1);
while (activeList.length > 0 && blueNoiseSamples.length < n) {
return blueNoiseSamples.length < n ? [] : blueNoiseSamples;
// === </MATH_UTILS> ===
// === <CREATURE_UTILS> ===
* Given a normalized direction a creature is walking in, return
* the creature state that corresponds closest to the direction.
* Defaults to WALK_NORTH if something goes wrong.
* @param {vec2} direction
* @return {number} corresponding {@link CreatureState}
const getWalkStateFromDirection = (direction) => {
const directionAngle = Math.atan2(direction.at(0), direction.at(1));
if (Number.isNaN(directionAngle)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_NORTH; // default
if (isBetween(directionAngle, Math.PI * 5/8, Math.PI * 7/8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_NORTHEAST;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, Math.PI * 3/8, Math.PI * 5/8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_EAST;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, Math.PI / 8, Math.PI * 3/8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHEAST;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, -Math.PI / 8, Math.PI / 8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_SOUTH;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, -Math.PI * 3/8, -Math.PI / 8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHWEST;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, -Math.PI * 5/8, -Math.PI * 3/8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_WEST;
if (isBetween(directionAngle, -Math.PI * 7/8, -Math.PI * 5/8)) {
return CreatureState.WALK_NORTHWEST;
return CreatureState.WALK_NORTH;
* Return a new updateCreature function that implicitly accepts the context
* of all other creatures being rendered.
* @param {(creature: Creature, allCreatures?: Array<Creature>) => Creature} updateCreature
* updateCreature function that uses the context of all creatures
* @param {Array<Creature>} allCreatures all creatures rendered in the scene
* @return {(creature: Creature) => Creature} an updateCreature function
const updateCreatureWithContext = (updateCreature, allCreatures) => {
const creaturesMap = Object.fromEntries(allCreatures.map(
creature => [ creature.name, creature ]
return (creature) => {
const updatedCreature = updateCreature(creature, Array.from(Object.values(creaturesMap)));
creaturesMap[updatedCreature.name] = { ...updatedCreature };
return updatedCreature;
* Render a frame of the creature and loads the next frame for render
* @param {Creature} creature
* @return {Creature} the creature being rendered
const renderCreature = (creature) => {
creature.element.style.setProperty('display', 'block');
// set position
const positionX = creature.positionX - (0.5 * CREATURE_WIDTH) + creature.container.clientLeft
const positionY = creature.positionY - (0.5 * CREATURE_HEIGHT) + creature.container.clientTop
creature.element.style.setProperty('left', `${positionX}px`);
creature.element.style.setProperty('top', `${positionY}px`);
// set sprite
const spriteFrames = CREATURE_STATE_TO_SPRITE_FRAME_OFFSET_INDICES[creature.state]
const currentSpriteFrameOffset = spriteFrames?.[creature.stateDuration % spriteFrames.length]
`${currentSpriteFrameOffset[0] * CREATURE_WIDTH}px ${currentSpriteFrameOffset[1] * CREATURE_HEIGHT}px`
return creature;
* Create the creature and start its rendering
* @param {HTMLElement} container container element for creatures. the kennel if you will
* @param {string} name name of the creature
* @param {string} [spriteSheet] name of the sprite sheet. must be in /static/sprites
* uses default sprite sheet if undefined
* @param {number} [initialState] starting state of the creature
* @param {number} [initialPositionX] initial x position in pixels (from the left side)
* @param {number} [initialPositionY] initial y position in pixels (from the top)
* @return Creature
const createCreature = (
initialState = CreatureState.IDLE,
initialPositionX = 0,
initialPositionY = 0
) => {
const creatureEle = document.createElement('div');
const spriteSheetUrl = spriteSheet
? `url('/static/sprites/${spriteSheet}')`
: `url('/static/sprites/defaults/${getRandomInt(1, DEFAULT_SPRITE_SHEET_COUNT)}.gif')`;
creatureEle.setAttribute('id', name);
creatureEle.style.setProperty('width', `${CREATURE_WIDTH}px`);
creatureEle.style.setProperty('height', `${CREATURE_HEIGHT}px`);
creatureEle.style.setProperty('position', 'fixed');
creatureEle.style.setProperty('image-rendering', 'pixelated');
creatureEle.style.setProperty('background-image', spriteSheetUrl);
creatureEle.style.setProperty('display', 'hidden');
return {
state: initialState,
stateDuration: 0,
positionX: constrain(initialPositionX, 0, container.clientWidth),
positionY: constrain(initialPositionY, 0, container.clientHeight),
element: creatureEle,
* Start creature animation
* @param {Creature} creature
* @param {(creature: Creature) => Creature} [updateCreature] if undefined, uses identity
const beginCreatureAnimation = (
updateCreature = (creature) => ({ ... creature })
) => {
const timeoutCallback = (callbackCreature) => {
const newCreatureFrame = updateCreature(renderCreature(callbackCreature));
setTimeout(timeoutCallback, FRAME_DELAY, newCreatureFrame);
// render/update initial frame and start animation
setTimeout(timeoutCallback, FRAME_DELAY, updateCreature(renderCreature(creature)));
// === </CREATURE_UTILS> ===
* Returns true if any point in creature 1's collision box is in creature 2's collision box
* @param {Creature} creature1
* @param {Creature} creature2
* @return {boolean}
const isCreaturesColliding = (creature1, creature2) => {
return isIntersectingCircles(
creature1.positionX, creature1.positionY, CREATURE_WIDTH / 2,
creature2.positionX, creature2.positionY, CREATURE_WIDTH / 2,
* Returns the direction of the wall of collision if it collides. Otherwise, return undefined.
* @param {Creature} creature
* @return {number | undefined}
const isCreatureOutOfBounds = (creature) => {
if (creature.positionX - CREATURE_WIDTH / 2 < creature.container.clientLeft) {
return Direction.WEST;
if (creature.positionX + CREATURE_WIDTH / 2 > creature.container.clientLeft + creature.container.clientWidth) {
return Direction.EAST;
if (creature.positionY - CREATURE_HEIGHT / 2 < creature.container.clientTop) {
return Direction.NORTH;
if (creature.positionY + CREATURE_HEIGHT / 2 > creature.container.clientTop + creature.container.clientHeight) {
return Direction.SOUTH;
return undefined;
* Get the creature in the walk state moving toward a destination
* @param {Creature} creature
* @param {vec2} destination
* @return {Creature} the creature in a walking state
const startCreatureWalkTowardDirection = (creature, destination) => {
const walkDirection = /** @type {vec2} */ normalize(
destination.at(0) - creature.positionX,
destination.at(1) - creature.positionY,
const state = getWalkStateFromDirection(walkDirection);
return {
stateDuration: state === creature.state ? creature.stateDuration + 1 : 0,
positionX: creature.positionX + walkDirection.at(0) * WALK_SIZE,
positionY: creature.positionY + walkDirection.at(1) * WALK_SIZE,
* Update function for creatures in any scratch state. * @param {Creature} creature current creature
* @param {Creature} creature
* @return {Creature} updated creature
const updateScratchStateCreature = (creature) => {
if (creature.stateDuration % 2 < 1) {
// animation hasn't finished playing. let it finish.
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
if (rollForNatN(4)) {
return { ...creature, state: CreatureState.IDLE, stateDuration: 0 };
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
* Used for {@link updateWalkStateCreature} to map the output of wall collision to new state
* @type {Readonly<Object.<number, number>>}
* @ignore
[Direction.NORTH]: CreatureState.SCRATCH_NORTH,
[Direction.EAST]: CreatureState.SCRATCH_EAST,
[Direction.SOUTH]: CreatureState.SCRATCH_SOUTH,
[Direction.WEST]: CreatureState.SCRATCH_WEST,
* Update function for creatures in any walk state.
* @param {Creature} creature current creature
* @param {Array<Creature>} allCreatures all creatures in kennel
* @return {Creature} updated creature
const updateWalkStateCreature = (creature, allCreatures) => {
// always play for at least 8 frames
if (creature.stateDuration < 8 || !rollForNatN(10)) {
return {
positionX: creature.positionX + (creature.walkDirection?.at(0) ?? 0) * WALK_SIZE,
positionY: creature.positionY + (creature.walkDirection?.at(1) ?? 0) * WALK_SIZE,
stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1,
return { ...creature, walkDirection: undefined, stateDuration: 0, state: CreatureState.IDLE };
* Creature state transitions
* @type {Object.<number, function(creature: Creature, allCreatures: Array<Creature>): Creature>}
[CreatureState.IDLE]: (creature, allCreatures) => {
if (creature.stateDuration < 8) {
// play for at least 8 frames
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
const spottedCreatures = allCreatures
.filter((otherCreature) => isIntersectingCircles(
// circle at creature position with a view distance radius
creature.positionX, creature.positionY, CREATURE_WIDTH * 4,
otherCreature.positionX, otherCreature.positionY, 0,
.filter((otherCreature) => otherCreature.name !== creature.name)
// move away from groups of 2 or more creatures
if (spottedCreatures.length > 1) {
// run away from the centroid of close creatures
const centroidX = spottedCreatures.reduce(
(sum, spottedCreature) => sum + spottedCreature.positionX, 0,
) / spottedCreatures.length;
const centroidY = spottedCreatures.reduce(
(sum, spottedCreature) => sum + spottedCreature.positionY, 0
) / spottedCreatures.length;
return startCreatureWalkTowardDirection(creature, [
2 * creature.positionX - centroidX,
2 * creature.positionY - centroidY,
// if there's a creature in the view radius, move toward it 25% of the time
if (spottedCreatures.length > 0 && rollForNatN(4)) {
const spottedCreature = /** @type {Creature} */ getRandomChoice(undefined, spottedCreatures);
return startCreatureWalkTowardDirection(creature, [
spottedCreature.positionX, spottedCreature.positionY,
const newState = getRandomChoice(
[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6],
CreatureState.ALERT, // 0.1
CreatureState.SCRATCH_SELF, // 0.1
CreatureState.TIRED, // 0.1
CreatureState.WALK_NORTH, // 0.1
CreatureState.IDLE, // 0.6
if (newState === CreatureState.IDLE || newState === undefined) {
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
if (newState !== CreatureState.WALK_NORTH) {
return {
stateDuration: 0,
state: newState,
// transition to walking to random point
return startCreatureWalkTowardDirection(creature, [
getRandomInRange(creature.container.clientLeft, creature.container.clientLeft + creature.container.clientWidth),
getRandomInRange(creature.container.clientTop, creature.container.clientTop + creature.container.clientHeight),
[CreatureState.ALERT]: (creature, allCreatures) => {
if (creature.stateDuration < 3) {
// always play for at three frames
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
const newState = getRandomChoice(
[0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5],
CreatureState.SCRATCH_SELF, // 0.1
CreatureState.TIRED, // 0.1
CreatureState.IDLE, // 0.3
CreatureState.WALK_NORTH, // 0.5
if (newState === undefined) {
// default if something goes wrong
return { ...creature, state: CreatureState.IDLE, stateDuration: 0 };
if (newState === CreatureState.WALK_NORTH) {
// walk toward random direction
return startCreatureWalkTowardDirection(creature, [
getRandomInRange(creature.container.clientLeft, creature.container.clientLeft + creature.container.clientWidth),
getRandomInRange(creature.container.clientTop, creature.container.clientTop + creature.container.clientHeight),
return { ...creature, state: newState, stateDuration: 0 }
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_SELF]: (creature, allCreatures) => {
if (creature.stateDuration % 3 < 2) {
// animation hasn't finished playing play until complete
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
if (rollForNatN(4)) {
return { ...creature, state: CreatureState.IDLE, stateDuration: 0 };
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_NORTH]: updateScratchStateCreature,
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_SOUTH]: updateScratchStateCreature,
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_EAST]: updateScratchStateCreature,
[CreatureState.SCRATCH_WEST]: updateScratchStateCreature,
[CreatureState.TIRED]: (creature, allCreatures) => {
if (creature.stateDuration < 8) {
// play for eight frames
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
if (rollForNatN(20)) {
return { ...creature, state: CreatureState.ALERT, stateDuration: 0 };
return { ...creature, state: CreatureState.SLEEPING, stateDuration: 0 }
[CreatureState.SLEEPING]: (creature, allCreatures) => {
if (creature.stateDuration < 8) {
// play for at least eight frames
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
const newState = getRandomChoice(
[0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.95],
CreatureState.TIRED, // 0.01
CreatureState.ALERT, // 0.02
CreatureState.IDLE, // 0.02
CreatureState.SLEEPING, // 0.95
if (newState === CreatureState.SLEEPING || newState === undefined) {
return { ...creature, stateDuration: creature.stateDuration + 1 };
return { ...creature, state: newState, stateDuration: 0 };
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTH]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTHEAST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_EAST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHEAST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTH]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_SOUTHWEST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_WEST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
[CreatureState.WALK_NORTHWEST]: updateWalkStateCreature,
* Resolve collisions between the updated creature, the container bounds, and the other creatures.
* If the updated creature collides against the wall, move to a scratch direction state.
* If the updated creature collides with another creature, move to alert state.
* @param {Creature} updatedCreature the creature post update
* @param {Array<Creature>} allCreatures all creatures in kennel
* @param {Creature} creature previous creature state
* @return {Creature}
const resolveCollision = (updatedCreature, allCreatures, creature) => {
// resolve creature collision
const collidedCreatures = allCreatures
.filter((otherCreature) => isCreaturesColliding(otherCreature, updatedCreature))
.filter((collidingCreature) => collidingCreature.name !== updatedCreature.name)
const collidedCreature = collidedCreatures.length > 0
? getRandomChoice(undefined, collidedCreatures)
: undefined;
// one third of the time, try to run away from the collided creature
if (collidedCreature !== undefined && rollForNatN(3)) {
const collidedCreature = getRandomChoice(undefined, collidedCreatures);
return resolveCollision(
startCreatureWalkTowardDirection(creature, [
creature.positionX - collidedCreature.positionX,
creature.positionY - collidedCreature.positionY,
if (collidedCreature !== undefined) {
return {
state: getRandomChoice(undefined, [CreatureState.ALERT, CreatureState.IDLE, CreatureState.TIRED]),
stateDuration: 0,
walkDirection: undefined,
// resolve wall collision
const wallCollisionDirection = isCreatureOutOfBounds(updatedCreature);
if (wallCollisionDirection !== undefined) {
return {
state: WALL_DIRECTION_TO_SCRATCH_STATE[wallCollisionDirection] ?? CreatureState.IDLE,
walkDirection: undefined,
stateDuration: 0,
positionX: constrain(
creature.container.clientLeft + CREATURE_WIDTH / 2,
creature.container.clientLeft + creature.container.clientWidth - CREATURE_WIDTH / 2,
positionY: constrain(
creature.container.clientTop + CREATURE_HEIGHT / 2,
creature.container.clientTop + creature.container.clientHeight - CREATURE_HEIGHT / 2,
return { ...updatedCreature };
window.onload = () => {
// user preference for low motion. do not render creatures
if (window.matchMedia(`(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)`).matches) {
const kennelWindowEle = document.querySelector('#kennel-window');
const startingPoints = generateBlueNoise(
kennelWindowEle.clientLeft, kennelWindowEle.clientTop,
kennelWindowEle.clientWidth, kennelWindowEle.clientHeight
const creatures = /** @type {Array<Creature>} */ startingPoints
.map((startingPoint, index) => createCreature(
undefined, // use a default sprite sheet
const updateCreature = updateCreatureWithContext((creature, allCreatures) => {
const updateCreatureFunction = CREATURE_STATE_TO_UPDATE_CREATURE_FUNCTION[creature.state];
const updatedCreature = updateCreatureFunction(creature, allCreatures);
return resolveCollision(updatedCreature, allCreatures, creature);
}, creatures);
creatures.forEach((creature) => beginCreatureAnimation(creature, updateCreature))
window.onresize = () => {
// TODO: dynamically change creature size based on window size