<p>we maintain a little homelab mesh for our own little computing community! as a member you'll have access to split-zone dns for our intranet as well as ownership to "*.USER.hatecomputers.club." for which you can do almost anything. we host, and plan to host, all kinds of stuff for each other :)</p>
<li>computers and the integration of automation in most human jobs should be implemented with heavy distrust of the systems developed and account for the well-being of any affected persons. this applies in weight to "generative technologies".</li>
<li>the acts of tampering, modification, and "hacking" a computer, as long as said actions are served with good intention and the benefit of the public and not private capital, should not be punishable; instead, praised or rewarded in relation to the scope of the information, methodology, impact, and results obtained.</li>
<li>computers should not have been corporatized and should have been, and continue to be, completely open to the user and researchers to develop upon.</li>